Dentrix ePrescribe helps automate the process of writing and electronically transmitting prescriptions to pharmacies, while helping to detect potentially dangerous drug-to-drug interactions, drug allergies, dosage errors, and other problems. For example, if you know that a patient is allergic to sulfa-based antibiotics, you wouldn’t knowingly prescribe Sulfadiazine for that person. ePrescribe automatically flags such dangerous interactions before you can complete the prescription process, but only if the allergy has been entered into ePrescribe.
To enter a patient’s allergies into ePrescribe:
- As an authorized ePrescribe user, in Dentrix, select the patient for whom you want to enter an allergy.
- Click the Prescriptions button.
- Click the Electronic Rx button.
- In the Act. Allergies line, click None entered. (Or, click any allergy that displays in the line, as previously entered for the patient.)
- Click Add Allergy.
- Search for a class of medications or a specific medication by selecting either Class or Medication.
- Enter a class or medication in the search field and click the Go button.
- Select the class or drug name from the resulting list.
- Enter a date when the allergy was first noticed or reported if different from today’s date.
- Select as many sensitivity types as needed by clicking either Allergy or Intolerance, and then select the applicable sensitivity.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 5 – 11 to add more allergies.
- When all allergies have been entered and saved, click Back to return to ePrescribe’s main page.
After entering the allergies for the patient, they appear in red text on the Act. Allergies line as a reminder of the patient’s allergies when you prescribe medications.
If there are any contraindications between the drug(s) you are attempting to prescribe and the patient’s allergies, ePrescribe displays a warning message.
Bonus Tips
- While you can also enter and save a patient’s allergies as part of a patient’s Health History in Dentrix, these items are NOT transmitted to ePrescribe — you must enter them manually!
- It’s good practice to enter your patient’s allergies into ePrescribe before creating electronic prescriptions for them. Doing so enables ePrescribe to use the information to check for dangerous drug interactions with the patient’s allergies.
- Before any allergies are entered for a patient, ePrescribe highlights the Act. Allergies line with None entered in red text to remind you to ask the patient about any allergies that they might have. If you discuss and confirm with the patient that they DON’T have any known allergies, select No Known Allergies in the Act. Allergies window. If this line is left as None entered, it leaves the allergy question open to whether the provider verified any allergies with the patient.
- It’s also good practice to periodically confirm the listed allergies, and any new allergies, with your patients while creating electronic prescriptions.
- As an alternative to listing a medical reaction to a drug (or class of drugs), you can enter a patient’s intolerance to it instead.
- If the patient’s sensitivity is not listed in the Act. Allergies reaction list, you can enter it manually.
- You cannot enter both reactions and intolerances to the same drug in the same Act. Allergies window. If you need to enter both, create an allergy and a reaction and then and save it. Then, open another Act. Allergies window and create an allergy and an intolerance to the same drug and save it.
Additional Information
- Be sure to view the ePrescribe Quick Start, which includes helpful articles, videos, tutorials and documentation.
- Read our previous tip titled, Updating Patient Information in ePrescribe.