by Dentrix Blog Team | Jan 31, 2023 | Schedule Optimization
Unfilled appointments caused by last-minute cancellations can be costly. Do you have a plan in place for handling these situations? In her Dentrix Magazine article titled, Four Tips to Help Reduce Cancellations and No Shows, office manager Charlotte Skaggs shares the...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Jan 24, 2023 | Clinical Efficiency
Updated 4/10/2023 As a health care provider, you understand that creating clinical notes is a critical responsibility. New in the latest version of Dentrix, the Dentrix Signature Manager gives you the tools to make sure that those notes are completed properly. When...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Jan 17, 2023 | Insurance Management
Are you considering dropping an insurance plan? Before taking such a big step, you are probably concerned about the potential impact that this decision could have on your patients and practice revenue. Be sure to take into account the following when determining...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Jan 9, 2023 | Patient Communication
If Charles Dickens taught us anything in A Christmas Carol, it’s that the end of the year is the perfect time to learn from the past, be present in the moment, and set goals for the future! Let’s start by looking back at our most popular tips, videos, and webinars...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Jan 4, 2023 | Office Routines
Now that January 2023 has officially arrived, it is time to close out 2022 in Dentrix. Spoiler alert: The process is the same as closing any other month in Dentrix! To help you out, we’ve curated a few resources for you to review that will walk you through the...
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