The Dentrix Blog

Helping You Do More with Your Dentrix System

Updated 1/11/19

We all know the importance of sending billing statement to those patients who owe you money. But you don’t want to confuse or annoy your patients by sending them statements more often than once a month. That’s where enabling the If Not Billed Since option comes in.

Dentrix keeps track of the last date a billing statement was printed or sent electronically. When you generate a new batch of billing statements, check the If Not Billed Since option. A date field appears with this option and defaults to 30 days ago. This ensures that statements aren’t sent to patients who have received one during the last month.

Let’s say that you printed an individual billing statement for John Doe yesterday as he was checking out. Today, when you are printing billing statements today for patients with last names A to J, Dentrix will only print billing statements for those families or patients who have not had a statement printed (or sent electronically) during the last 30 days–and will not print one for Mr. Doe.

Be sure to check this option when you generate billing statements so patients don’t get multiple billing statements during the month, which can cause confusion.

For more information, read the Billing Statements Made Easier article in Dentrix Magazine.