Updated 2/20/2019
Did you know that you can set a patient’s permanent disability status for insurance claims from the Family File or the Appointment Book? When you enter that information from either module, it is marked by default every time you generate a claim.
From the Family File:
- With a patient selected, double-click the Insurance block.
- Click the Insurance Claim Information button.
- In the Additional Information section, you can mark the box for Disabled, as well as enter other information about accidents and injuries.
- Click OK to save your changes and then click OK to return to the Family File.
From the Appointment Book:
- Double-click the patient’s appointment to open the Appointment Information dialog box.
- Click the Ins Claim Info button.
- In the Additional Information section, you can mark the box for Disabled, as well as enter other information about accidents and injuries.
- Click OK to save your changes and then click OK to return to the Appointment Book.
For additional information about setting insurance claim information, see the Setting Default Claim Information and Editing Insurance Claim Information topics in the Dentrix Help.