Updated 4/25/2019
In addition to managing documents for patients, you can use the Document Center to manage documents for providers and staff members in your office.
You can attach documents and reports to providers the same way you would attach them to patients. You can also attach W2 forms and other human resources forms to providers and staff members. Then you can view the Document Center for each provider or staff member just as you would for a patient.
To view the Document Center by provider or staff member:
- From the Document Center, click View > By Provider/Staff or click the By Provider/Staff button.
- Select the staff member whose document center you want to view and click OK.
Bonus Tip
If you open the Document Center from the Office Manager, you are prompted to select a provider/staff member and the Document Center opens for that provider/staff member.
For more information, see the Viewing Documents by Provider or Staff topic in Dentrix Help.