The Dentrix Blog

Helping You Do More with Your Dentrix System

Updated 6/25/2019

Did you know you can create templates for frequently used claim remarks or narratives that the doctor typically must write for each claim? By creating templates, when you’re adding remarks to insurance claims, you can simply add theses templates to the claim’s remarks instead of rewriting or making the doctor rewrite the narrative.

To create a claim remark template:

  1. From the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Practice Setup > Custom Notes > Claim Remarks Setup.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the claim remark.
  4. In the Note field, enter a brief claim remark. If desired, click the spell check button to check the spelling of the note.
    Note: You’ll be able to edit the template on a per-patient basis, so don’t include specific tooth numbers or surface information in the template you create, though you can include placeholders in the text.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Once you have created a claim remark template, it is easy to attach it to an insurance claim. Open the claim, double-click the Remarks for Unusual Services block, and then select the template you want to use. The remarks print as a narrative on the claim.

For three simple rules to remember when writing claim remarks, see a previous post titled, Reduce Claim Denials by Using Claim Remarks.

You can also read the following topics in Dentrix Help: