Updated 10/8/2019
You’ve probably had this happen in your office recently: a patient calls wanting a refill on their pain medication, and you can’t remember what you prescribed for them or when. There’s no need to try and remember which drug was prescribed, or dosage amounts, or if they’ve already gotten a refill from you recently. The Prescriptions module in Dentrix keeps track of all this information for you. And when you refill a prescription, you have the option to change the dosage or dispensing instructions or keep the same settings as when it was last prescribed.
How To
- From any patient-specific Dentrix module, select a patient and click the Prescriptions button on the toolbar.
- From the Patient Prescriptions list, review the patient’s list of prescriptions, prescribing doctor, and last prescription date.
- If it’s appropriate to refill the prescription, select the prescription to be refilled, and click Refill.
- If necessary, change the information in the Sig, Disp, Refills, and/or Notes fields.
- Click Print to print the prescription and to save the refill to the Patient Prescriptions list.
Additional Tips
- The Health History button is available within the Patient Prescriptions dialog box, allowing you to check for drug allergies or other medical conditions before you create a prescription for a patient. If the Health History cross is red, click the button to check for medical alerts.
- To learn more, read Refilling Patient Prescriptions in the Dentrix Help.