The Dentrix Blog

Helping You Do More with Your Dentrix System

Before you sit down to make collections calls, it’s important to have all the information available that you’ll need to talk to patients about their overdue balance.

First, use the Collections Manager to find the accounts you want to focus on, such as patients on payment agreements who have missed a payment.

Once you’ve got your list of patients to contact, you’ll need information such as account balance, last payment amount and date, insurance estimate, and even notes from past conversations available for reference during your call.

Your secret weapon for these collections calls is the More Information dialog box. From within the Collections Manager, select a patient’s name and then click the More Information button to access all the information you need for your phone call–all in one place.

All the information you need to talk to patients about their overdue balances is at your fingertips:

  1. In the Phone section, you have access to the phone number(s) you’ve entered for the patient in the Family File.
  2. In Balance Information section, you can see basic information about the balance on the account, as well as last payment dates and amounts, and the last time the patient received a billing statement. If you need additional financial information, you can click the Ledger button to access the guarantor’s account.
  3. Once you have contacted the patient, use the Add Journal Entry button to document the phone call, who you talked to, and the information discussed, which can be reviewed later as needed.

By using the Collections Manager to find groups of patients to contact and the More Information dialog box to find the specifics about their overdue account, you have all the information you need make collections calls.

For additional information, see Simplifying Collections with the Collections Manager in Dentrix Magazine.