Good, descriptive adjustment types make it easy to look at your reports and understand at a glance exactly what the adjustments in your Ledger are for. For example, instead of only having one general adjustment for writing off an insurance balance, your report could list 15 specific ones, named for 15 popular insurance plans your office participates with.
As your practice has grown, so has your adjustment types list. You may have frustratingly reached the maximum limit of 40 adjustment types in the system. When that happened, you either simply had to do without the adjustment types you wanted, or become creative in finding similar adjustment types that could be combined into one description.
Fortunately, Dentrix G7.3 Update 1 has increased the limit of adjustment types from 40 up to 255 – that’s an increase of 637 percent! Now you can freely create those more specific adjustment types for use.
To customize an adjustment type:
- In the Maintenance menu in the Office Manager, point to Practice Setup, and then click Definitions.
- In the Maintenance menu in the Office Manager, point to Practice Setup, and then click Definitions.
- From the Definition Type list, select Adjustment Types.
- To add an adjustment type, under Definition Text, type a description. Type a “+” sign in the field to the left of the description if the adjustment will add to the account balance, or type a “-” sign if the adjustment will decrease the account balance.
- Click Add.
With so many more adjustment types available, you might have trouble locating the right adjustment type in the Ledger. To help with that, don’t miss the new Search bar when selecting an adjustment:
You can enter part of the adjustment type description (even some matching portion in the middle of the description), and the list will instantly be narrowed down to find adjustment descriptions with matching text.
For additional information, see the Adding Adjustment Types and Customizing Adjustment Types topics in Dentrix Help.