When you have a lot of claims to enter payments for, the Batch Insurance Payment Entry window can be a real time saver! This Dentrix window brings together all the options you need to efficiently post a bulk check to multiple patients’ Ledgers without having to select each patient’s Ledger and then open each claim individually.
If you haven’t used this feature before, you can read about it in previous tips, such as Entering Batch Insurance Check Payments and Three Tips to Keep in Mind When Entering Batch Insurance Payments.
Within the Batch Insurance Payment Entry window, under Enter Adjustment you can post write-off adjustments conveniently, but if the patient has secondary coverage, you might not want to write off the balance before that claim is filed and paid. In Dentrix G7.5, a secondary insurance column has been added to the Pending Claims section. If a patient has secondary insurance, the word Yes appears in the column (see red highlights in the image). This gives you a quick way to know if the adjustment is necessary!
There are many more great improvements to use in Dentrix G7.5! Click here to view new feature overview videos!
To learn more about the new features in Dentrix G7.5, and prepare your team for the upgrade, watch this on-demand webinar recording.