The Dentrix Blog

Helping You Do More with Your Dentrix System

From time to time, you will encounter patients who have a permanent or semi-permanent circumstance that should be reported on their insurance claims. For example, a college student will likely be a student for several years. Or a patient may have a temporary or long-lasting disability.

These situations can be documented on individual insurance claims by opening the claim in the Ledger, double-clicking the Claim Information block, selecting the necessary checkboxes, and typing in dates, names, etc. in appropriate fields. However, this changes the information only for the individual claim.

For patients with ongoing conditions, it may make better sense to edit the patient’s basic insurance claim information so that this information will automatically be included on all future claims. That way, you won’t need to remember to edit each claim when you create it.

There are two ways to update a patient’s insurance claim information:

  • In the patient’s Family File, open the insurance block and click the Insurance Claim Information button.
  • Or, in the Appointment Book, right-click the patient’s appointment and select Info for Insurance.

In the Insurance Claim Information dialog box, make the necessary changes and click OK. Later, when the time comes that these conditions change or no longer apply, return to this window and change the information or click Clear at the lower left.

For additional information, including the steps to accomplish the task, see the following topics in Dentrix Help: