As a patient is checking out after today’s appointment, he gives you a new credit card number to keep on file for future payments. He asks you to remove the expired card that was previously on file. Removing saved credit cards is a simple process.
To remove a saved credit card from Dentrix:
- Open the Ledger and select the patient for whom you want to remove the credit card.
- Click Transaction > Saved Credit Cards (or click the Saved Credit Cards toolbar button).
- Select the credit card to be removed and click Remove.
- Review the caution message and click OK.
- Click Close to return to the Ledger.
Bonus Tips
- Once removed, the status of the card changes from Active to Removed, and the credit card can no longer be used as a saved credit card in Dentrix Pay. It also renders the card unusable to all members of the patient’s Family File.
- You cannot change the status of a card that has been removed, but you can save the card again and reactivate it.
- Removed cards cannot be deleted from the Saved Credit Cards window, as they exist as proof that they were once saved in Dentrix Pay.
- When a saved credit card is removed from Dentrix Pay, the card’s information is also removed from Worldpay (your merchant account). However, the card’s last four digits, card type, and expiration date remain in Dentrix as proof of their prior existence in Dentrix Pay.
To learn more, read Removing Saved Credit Cards in Dentrix Help.