You can store a lot of useful information in the patient’s Health History module, including medical conditions, allergies, medications, and a general note about the patient’s history. You can even enter detailed notes about each of those conditions or medications.
That information may cross over with the kind of notes that you would like to keep track of in the patient’s clinical notes. While the Health History module is designed to be kept current by regularly updating it, the patient’s clinical notes can capture a snapshot-in-time of the patient’s conditions. Clinical notes can be signed off and locked from further editing.
Health History has an easy option to transport its information into the patient’s clinical notes, saving you from needing to reenter it in both places! Just click the Copy To Clinical Note button at the top of the Health History window. Choose the first option if you want only the current information to be carried over or choose the second if you want to list the inactive items brought into the note also.

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