The Dentrix Blog

Helping You Do More with Your Dentrix System

Updated 8/23/2019

In case you’ve missed it, in previous posts we’ve been sharing tips about how to use the Treatment Planner more effectively present treatment cases to patients by using options to show dental insurance notes, and insurance benefits. In this post we’ll talk about how to consider a patient’s dental plan yearly maximums when presenting cases.

The Treatment Planner provides insurance estimates and patient portions for the patient. These estimates are based on the carrier’s coverage and payment tables stored in Dentrix. You have the option to have the Treatment Planner consider the patient’s yearly maximum when viewing these estimates.

To prevent the Treatment Planner from calculating an insurance estimate that is more than the patient’s annual maximum, from the Treatment Planner, select Insurance > Use Dental Plan Maximums and Deductibles.

If this option has a checkmark next to it, the annual maximums for this patient are reflected in the insurance estimates and the patient’s portion.

Note: This is a global setting and once this option has been checked, maximums are considered on all patients until unchecked.

For additional information, read the article titled, Give Patients the Info They Need To Say Yes in Dentrix Magazine online.