The Dentrix Blog

Helping You Do More with Your Dentrix System

You just can’t do it all yourself, right? Fortunately, Dentrix offers a way to keep a record of procedures that you have diagnosed but will refer out to have completed by a specialist outside of your office.

First, treatment plan the work like you normally would. Then, in the Treatment Planner panel, create a case folder and drag and drop all procedures to be referred out into that case.

With that case selected, click the Update Status button, and select Referred from the drop-down list of options.

You’ll be given an opportunity to make a comment on the case, and most importantly to select the Referred To provider.

In addition to adding the referred to provider to all of the procedures in the case, Dentrix also changes the fee to $0.00.

Now is a great opportunity to print a referral slip, which will help you have a successful hand off to the other provider.

When the patient returns to your practice, and has completed the work, update the status of the treatment case again, this time selecting the Completed option. The status of the procedures will be changed to Existing-Other in the Patient Chart.

For related information, read the Charting Referred Procedures article in the Dentrix Magazine online archive.