When you set an appointment complete, you can choose which provider completed each procedure. Of course, you already knew that! This tip is about being even more efficient while you do that. There are a couple of options hidden within the Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box that can propel your proficiency.
First, did you know that you can change the provider for more than one procedure at a time? Click the first procedure, then hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while you select additional procedures. After all procedures you want to reassign are selected, click the Change Provider button and choose the provider.
But wait… there’s more! Instead of clicking the Change Provider button, you might find it even faster to right-click one of the selected procedures instead. A menu will open that offers you the same options, but without having to move the mouse pointer up to that button first. This may not sound like a big deal, but the seconds you save multiple times a day will add up, and the motion will quickly become second nature to you.
They say that good things come in threes, so here is one more useful option. In the Appointment Book, from the menu bar select Setup > Practice Appointment Setup. On the right side of the window, consider selecting the Use TX Provider by Default on Appointment Complete option. When this option is selected, treatment planned procedures will come up in the Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box already assigned to the provider who treatment planned them. That can save you a little more clicking and having to change providers with each completed appointment.
For additional information, see the Setting Procedures Complete and Setting Procedures Complete for Additional Providers topics in Dentrix Help.