by Dentrix Blog Team | Jan 18, 2024 | Insurance Management
By now you’ve probably seen the option to mark insurance claims as “Partially Paid.” This is helpful when you need to enter payment to a claim but keep the claim open because you expect additional payments. Orthodontic claims are a prime example. You...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Nov 30, 2023 | Revenue Cycle Management
For years, with Dentrix Pay, you’ve enjoyed the convenience of saving your patients’ credit card information and attaching it to their existing payment agreements. Then, when their scheduled payment due date arrives, you open the Payment Agreement Manager and...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Aug 10, 2023 | Insurance Management
At some point, every office has experienced this problem: Insurance claims are sent to batch and ready to be processed when someone, somewhere in the office (usually nobody admits who), clicked the Delete button and cleared the list. Which patients did those unsent...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | Jul 25, 2023 | Clinical Efficiency
You know the feeling… the procedure code you are thinking of is just on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t quite recall what it is! Perhaps it is a code for a service that you don’t perform very often. Or maybe you are having a bad day and just not remembering that...
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by Dentrix Blog Team | May 4, 2023 | Clinical Efficiency
Day after day, you perform a lot of similar services for your patients. You probably find that you write nearly identical clinical notes into each patient’s chart, with minor variances. Did you know that you can prewrite the text for your clinical notes within...
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